History of coffee beans
Before you can smell this wonderful aroma of coffee and enjoy its exquisite taste, you need to have beans….
Here is a short story of one coffee bean…..
Somewhere in the tropical and subtropical climates: in Central and South America, in Africa, Asia and Oceania, northern Australia, or on the islands around the equator there is a soil ideal for the development of the coffee bean.
A plant with broad, dark, shiny leaves grows from a small coffee bean, which blossoms with white flowers and a sweet aroma of jasmine or orange flowers.
A wildly growing Coffea plant can reach up to several meters in height and look like a huge tree. The beautiful, white flowers later turn into ripening red fruits. Once they ripen in the tropical sunshine, it is time for harvesting.
No machines are used to harvest coffee, so the fruit are painstakingly harvested manually. The harvested Coffea plant fruit are spread on mats to dry in sunlight for 2 to 3 weeks. Natural drying is considered to be the best for the quality of coffee and is used where climatic conditions are appropriate. The red Coffea plant fruit are often rotated to allow them to dry evenly, mainly in order to prevent the fermentation process. Beans are extracted from the dried husks, which are then sorted according to their size and graded according to the principle: the larger the bean, the better the coffee.
In segregated bags, the small beans go to the smokehouse, where they are subjected to the last process before they reach your cup.